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Please Help Us Build a Pig Centre in RWANDA

Hello Friends,

Due to Covid restrictions we have been unable to hold any fundraising events for some time now. But the time has come to venture outside and get together with our valued supporters.

Please see the invitation below where we are hoping to raise funds for a PIG CENTRE to be built in Rwanda. This is on the heels of the successful CHICKEN CENTRE that we have already in place that provides chickens for the families in our Healthy Mums Program and is also a source of income in Rwanda to cover some of our implementation costs. The planned PIG CENTRE will do the same and help us move closer to having the Healthy Mums Program fully sustainable in Rwanda.


If you are unable to attend our event please consider sending a donation to help us build the new PIG CENTRE For more information contact Hilary King at

DONATING BY CHEQUE? Make cheques payable to: Embrace Rwanda International Society

Mailing Address: EMBRACE RWANDA INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY PO Box 37527 1520 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2H0 Canada Charitable Registration No: 86956 3213 RR0001


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